me and my friend went to the tulip festival today, and it was kinda mediocre compared to expected, so we ended up with a lot of time to kill... so we ended up trailing through the parking lots and honestly it was SO fun, i saw a washington plate i didn't even know existed :) honestly it's cool, i really do love playing this little game. it helps me find so much fun in the literal most mundane things - even rows of cars which would normally just feel so gray and dull is like. yeah man i have something i'm looking for now...! i don't know. it's just nice. :)
help me i had a fucking dream that i was standing on a streetcorner and saw a car with the 2006 tennessee plate and was like FUUUCK I GOTTA GET A PICTURE but it went into a parking garage so i went into a police station and was like Hii can i go into the parking garage. I need to go photograph this license plate. It's the tennessee 2006 or so one pleaseee
wow, it took me AGES and ages to see my first alabama, but i saw another yesterday, just a week or so after the first one... a TON of texases on the road today for some reason. saw a hawaii too for the first time in a while, plus a bunch of michigans! though, i couldn't get any pictures of the michigans...
but, NUMBER ONE saddest thing ever happened... on the way back down broadway, i saw tennessee's previous standard issue plate for the first time!!! this guy:

but we were in the car going too fast and i couldn't get a picture :( so sad about it. honestly considered walking back once i was home but ach no it wasn't worth it, i would've had to cross one of the worst intersections and go up broadway on foot which just would have been both dangerous AND tedious. so... alas, i will simply have to wait for the next one...
saw a couple new yorks today, and like, four different british columbias?! that's definitely the most i've seen at once (well, more like within the span of 30 minutes, but STILL!!). but, even more interesting, i saw that GORGEOUS montana glacier park plate!!

i mean wow. get a load of that!! i was so sad i didn't have my phone on me, i would have loved to take a picture...
i also saw idaho's wildlife plate!

cute, and the colors were really pretty in person. again, sad to not have my phone!
i saw ALABAMA TODAY!!! which means there's only one more state left to find (delaware, which ... looks very similar to oregon's pacific wonderland plate... eek...). but, i'm a little sad about there only being one left, so i've decided i'm starting platequest2023 extention: now i'm going to try to get pictures of each state's plate (including specialty plates!)
i think i got, like, ten plates already... and in fact, i ran all the way back to the alabama car, hoping it was still there a couple hours later... and it was!! :) shoutout to you alabama guy.